Blog Post

Middle School Communications Team • January 27, 2021

Fun Walks as Part of Casa Middle School’s Physical Expression Curriculum

A few weeks ago, we went on a power walk to the municipal rose garden. We walked a total of about 8 miles in around 3 hours. Cassidy, a 7th-grade student, originally planned this walk to be a one-way trip, but Mrs. Bonnie encouraged us to challenge ourselves to the round-trip. We were also challenged to learn three new facts about our classmates. We did get a bit confused along the way because we missed a street on which we were supposed to turn, but we were able to get back on track with the help of students who were familiar with the area. Unfortunately, the roses were not in season, but we were able to enjoy a moment in the shade or next to the fountain at our halfway point. The shade was especially rejuvenating with the temperature being about 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This was definitely a walk that challenged our physical endurance. Many of us came to school the next day with sore muscles.

Some of the other destinations we have walked to are Percolation Pond, Blackford Elementary, and John D. Morgan Park. In particular, a highlight for many of the students was John D. Morgan, the “school gathering” location. We were able to reminisce on our memories as we went up the play structure and swung on the swings. Some of us were even daring enough to jump off the swings and sit in the baby swings. Many of us wanted to repeat this walk, but we were unable to because we watched the inauguration ceremony LIVE, which was on the same day as the weekly PE walk. We all hope that the time will come soon when we can go there as a school again.

Middle School Communications Team

Casa di Mir Montessori

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